* As for the comment....Inquiring minds want to know......my frump detective skills have tracked "Chuck" to someone who lives in Australia. "Chuck" had done a google search for the word "glue trap". I'm not going to even try and figure out what that was all about. It did cause my phone to ring and a few laughs. So, thanks Chuck....and I promise....we are not some mean, glue trapping mice hunters. Just a simple family trying to keep our children and our things from being eaten and germ-a-cized by those furry little critters. Again, have a nice day.
It seems all the country mice that live on our property have decided to take residence in our garage.....for the winter. I don't blame them, poor little
Saturday evening......G caught a mouse. This particular mouse was trapped by the glue trap and then dragged the glue trap to the regular trap. Caught by 2 traps. G did what he always does......he took the mouse and trap(s) and disposed of them in the big black garbage bag....which is usually filled with all sorts of other debris.
We woke Sunday morning to find......we had a mighty mouse on our hands. A mouse with oomph and strength like we have never seen before. As I came out of the house to join G and the boys......G motioned to me......" I was going to yell for you to get food and water, I feel so sorry for this mouse" .....and then he began to explain the story of "Mighty Mouse". I said.....
"hang on ...I need my camera!".
This mouse had chewed a hole in the big, black garbage bag.......removed himself from the glue trap and dragged himself.....and the regular trap....across the floor of G's truck.
G had compassion for MM......he released him from the trap.....and then MM jumped across the truck and back into the big, black garbage bag?
We decided.....he's probably very happy in that big, black garbage bag.
Sunday evening.....G decided that he wanted something sweet. He decided that HE would make cookies. Again, I said.....
"hang on....I need my camera".
Only problem, I had left it outside from our earlier photo session with Mighty Mouse. If you are hoping for a romantic, foggy effect when taking photos...I have a trick....leave your camera outside in the cold, wet air. Sadly, I only was able to take one picture of this sweet....in more ways than one....cooking event. Actually, G is a really good cook....he had once thought about going to The Culinary Institute. We are so different in the kitchen.....he measures and everything..a concept that I never acquired. The cookies were amazing.....were being the key word....they didn't last long, but thanks to blogging....this memory will.