* As for the comment....Inquiring minds want to know......my frump detective skills have tracked "Chuck" to someone who lives in Australia. "Chuck" had done a google search for the word "glue trap". I'm not going to even try and figure out what that was all about. It did cause my phone to ring and a few laughs. So, thanks Chuck....and I promise....we are not some mean, glue trapping mice hunters. Just a simple family trying to keep our children and our things from being eaten and germ-a-cized by those furry little critters. Again, have a nice day.
It seems all the country mice that live on our property have decided to take residence in our garage.....for the winter. I don't blame them, poor little
Saturday evening......G caught a mouse. This particular mouse was trapped by the glue trap and then dragged the glue trap to the regular trap. Caught by 2 traps. G did what he always does......he took the mouse and trap(s) and disposed of them in the big black garbage bag....which is usually filled with all sorts of other debris.
We woke Sunday morning to find......we had a mighty mouse on our hands. A mouse with oomph and strength like we have never seen before. As I came out of the house to join G and the boys......G motioned to me......" I was going to yell for you to get food and water, I feel so sorry for this mouse" .....and then he began to explain the story of "Mighty Mouse". I said.....
"hang on ...I need my camera!".
This mouse had chewed a hole in the big, black garbage bag.......removed himself from the glue trap and dragged himself.....and the regular trap....across the floor of G's truck.
G had compassion for MM......he released him from the trap.....and then MM jumped across the truck and back into the big, black garbage bag?
We decided.....he's probably very happy in that big, black garbage bag.
Sunday evening.....G decided that he wanted something sweet. He decided that HE would make cookies. Again, I said.....
"hang on....I need my camera".
Only problem, I had left it outside from our earlier photo session with Mighty Mouse. If you are hoping for a romantic, foggy effect when taking photos...I have a trick....leave your camera outside in the cold, wet air. Sadly, I only was able to take one picture of this sweet....in more ways than one....cooking event. Actually, G is a really good cook....he had once thought about going to The Culinary Institute. We are so different in the kitchen.....he measures and everything..a concept that I never acquired. The cookies were amazing.....were being the key word....they didn't last long, but thanks to blogging....this memory will.
I hope MM is far, far away from the glue traps. Those things are HORRIBLE. Just get the kind that makes it quick. Imagine being stuck in a glue trap. That is animal abuse. Poor guy. I'm glad he's a strong dude. As for Greg, so adorable!
Oh my, that mouse wasn't giving up! I don't feel sorry for it one bit! Yuck!
Tell G that I need several dozen cookies for the holidays!
I am laughing so hard at your MM story...it so has got to be the organic peanut butter. I almost am feeling bad for the little guy...such fight in him. My parents use to have problems with mice and my dad would always compete with our cats and his mouse traps. The cats always won. ;-)
Love the picture effects...no editing needed. Hope it didn't ruin the camera for good. ugh.
So funny!
We have spent so much time fighting mice in our garage and game room. Thankfully none have ever made it into the house. I would die if I saw one dragging two traps!
Ha! Did you see the mouse trapping episode that I posted on my blog a year or so ago?
I love the cookie making! So great!
I will try to email you with a get together date soon.
I don't feel sorry for the mouse one bit! I hate them and snakes about the same and if they get in my house, I'm moving out!! Since being an adult (being married and living away from my parents), we've only had a couple in the garage. I didn't go out there for weeks!
Cookies on the other hand....I just remembered that I bought a container of cookie dough from my nephew so I'm going to make some myself!
You are supposed to kill the mouse, not just leave it in a garbage bag because it will suffer badly. It will die of starvation, if not from a chewed off limb and broken skin trying to get off.
Or (in your case), it will get away. Don't take the chance.
For the people who don't feel sorry for the mouse, well how would you like to starve yourselves in a garbage bin without any sympathy? Yeah, they're pests... so what? Give them a quick death, don't torment them like that. They are still living animals, that can feel pain. Respect that, and maybe you'll convince me some of you have some humanity.
EWWW to mice!
YUMMM to cookies and hubbies who make them!
AWWW to memories being made and preserved!
Oh yea, we've had some big ole whoppin' mice drag themselves and the traps around the floor. NOT a pretty sight!!!
I'll have to go read Chuck's comments. Maybe it was Chuck-E-Cheese!!!
Why is it that we are scared of mice? I mean really, they are teeny tiny little creatures yet we all run and jump on the counters when we see one. At least that's what we do in our house!
And Chuck, I am an animal lover myself (sounds like you are too, but I don't think there's a need to be rude). The mice don't want you to be rude...they told me!
That's just what I was thinking Carla. I've never met a rude mouse.
But, I've met some mice who love pooping all over my sweaters, books and other things. I've met a few who choose to eat through bags of whatever and cause all kinds of problems. I have nothing against them....well, I don't like that they carry horrible germs. I just wish they would stay outside...in nature, where they belong.
Alright Chuck, since you are "baiting" me, I just have to say that I don't give a mouse's tail what you think about me not feeling sorry for the mice.
☺ I couldn't resist and was told to do it.
oh mimi, i know you're pain all too well. my current year's death toll is 13 and i fear rising. i hate them so much, i think it's a paranoia and i probably need therapy. when i send up desperate prayers for them to leave i'll say one for you!
I haven't had any mice this year thanks to Peeve. He kills them and eats them so there is no suffering, Chuck!
Yea for cookies!!!
how come when you see the cute little mouse in the pet store they seem harmless and sweet, yet I SCREAM in fear when a little guy runs across my kitchen floor...
Thankful I haven't seen any for a while. Hmmm...maybe the stray cat outside should stay around.
We haven't had a problem with mice since we got our outside cat. We like the cat and all...but he knows his purpose...exterminator.
And what's with Chuck?? I wish I was as passionate about mice and their humane disposal. Bwahahaha!
Mice are nasty critters and I am scared of them dead or alive.
Oh my gosh, I would have freaked out!!! But, wow, what a determined little bugga!
You crack me up! Mice.....NOPE don't do those!!!
Love seeing G in the kitchen. Something about a man with a mixing bowl! LOL
And have I told you lately that I LAVA you for calling me ONE HOT MAMA?
Hopping over to wish you and your lovely family a beautiful Thanksgiving day! Enjoy Mimi!
Laughing at all the comments over the mouse drama. Sign of a good post when you can get people going in a debate. Love it!
That is awesome..all I could think of was "Ratatouille" thanks for making me laugh (as always!!)
Wow, that's quite a story!
Just wanted to stop by to say Happy Thanksgiving :D
I've got some reading to catch up on...I've been so busy I've missed out on your posts.
Hope you had a beautiful day!
Hi Mimi, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Please tell 'G' that I will be emailing my christmas cookie order to him soon LOL!! That is so cute he bakes, I love it. Josh aka Mr. Bunny makes brownies, from the box on occasion.
As for the mice, I'm with you, they carry germs and as much as I love animals, I love my family more and need to keep them safe and healthy. I try to be humane but I can't have mice and droppings all over the house.
Good luck with the mice
The first thing that came to my mind was...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
So what happened to the Mighty Mouse?? did he stay in the garbage bag or did he escape for good! That a little survivor. I don´t know if I could dispose of them. I have too big of a heart I think for seeing them suffer in a trap. Maybe poison or gassing them would be my choice tactic. LOL
I have missed visiting lately.
Those cookies sound wonderful!
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!
Big hugs
Dani Joy
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