I've met a few other homeschool moms while there, but no real connections. One mom....a fellow adoptive mom who is in her 60's has been very outgoing and kind to me. The first time we went, I left feeling encouraged and hopeful. I met a couple of moms....one was very chatty...which made it really nice and easy. This second time we went...I left not feeling as encouraged. The chatty mom was not there....my older friend was, but the other moms kept to their cliques. It made me miss my girlfriends. Later that day...I had an epiphany......I'm not there for me, I'm there for the boys. Not going to go into my full thought right now, but it's all good. The bad part.....Ross has horrible allergies and the park was making him feel awful. The poor guy, his eyes swelled so fast and furious....red and itchy. He was having so much fun, he did not want to leave. It was a tough call....the class only lasted an hour. We stayed.
Not sure if I made the right call.....being a mom is full of moment by moment decisions. His eyes were so puffy. I gave him his allergy med...plus....I ran out to Whole Foods to see what they suggested. I purchased something called Camu?? I think. It's supposed to be super high in C and like a superfruit. They also suggested that we put Chamomile tea bags on his eyes....we did.
I think they helped. He went to bed shortly after. Oh my, what a long night it was. When his allergies are flaring up and I know he will have a long hard night....especially with breathing.....I have him sleep with me (G goes in with Sam). We were up all night long......he was sneezing, coughing, nebulizing, and more. By morning....he was much better.....and I was the one needing the tea bags.
(Shorty McShorty AKA Frump... in need of makeup and sleep)
Puffy eyes. Oh yeah....I had another hair cut. I edited this to say......it wasn't the cut I was hoping for. It'll grow. Actually, it's really easy so that's a plus. I think I'll like it more in a month or two. G likes it . I called him as I was leaving the salon (he was in the town with the boys) and said "I'm feeling really fragile, don't look shocked when you see me." Thankfully, he said all the right things. I'm going to let it grow for a couple of months and then find someone else to
Oh....while I've got you.....I'm thinking of starting another blog and make it public. I feel bad that everyone has to check in instead of my posts showing up on google reader. I know it's a pain. In fact, my mom and G don't even read anymore because they would have to sign in and all. It's too complicated when they are at work. Anyway. What do you think? Would it make it easier? I would start a new blog and keep things anonymous (so I wouldn't worry about that other person finding it) On that same note....I'm finding that I'm blogging less and less. How about you?