April 25, 2009

Workin' At The Carwash....

Work and work(*listen to Carwash on playlist*)....As soon as we have the least amount of sun and warmth in our town.... we break out the hose and soap. And when I say we.....I mean G-man and the boys.

G-man is very serious about his car washing......supervising and giving direction at all times.

Not an inch of the car goes un-washed. After a couple of seasons of doing this, the 3 man crew runs like a well oiled machine.

Passing the hose back and forth....and staying out of the path of the wind and water was an interesting process.
I could tell that G-man was just aching to jump in and grab the hose for himself, but he resisted.

Me....well I was observing.

staying away from the cold water and eating a snack


Carpool Queen said...

Car Wash was one of the first songs that I loaded onto my iPod. Work, and work......

Niiiiice job snacking while supervising......

That's rich.

Carpool Queen said...

Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm still here, you have a way cool playlist, so I'm rocking to it while I check out all the other blogs this morning....

Carla said...

Why is the green guy wearing gloves? What are you eating? You remind me of Kate Gosslin in that picture!!! She is so awful though. NOT that you REMIND me of her, you just remind me of her because she would stand in the driveway and boss everyone around. G-man is SO much like his dad!

Tiffani said...

This is sooo funny!!!!

I love your strike through abilities..you must've had a GREAT teacher!!

Look how CUTE you are to observe!

My 3 person crew does the car too and they love it!!

Carla's comment was cracking me up!! Funny girl!

really.truly said...

The gloves-because their hands would get cold from the wind/water.

My snack-leftover chicken fricasee-love it!

Kate G has better hair than mine!

And G is just like his dad-scary

Alicia said...

I feel like standing up and dancing to your playlist..LOL!!!

Isn't it great how we can blog about just about anything and it will be interesting???

I really enjoyed looking at these pictures. I love seeing pictures of dads interacting w/ the kids!!!! LOL @ you!! That would be me too! Haha!

carla said...

Oh I was reading threads about Kate's hair and you wouldn't believe how many people can't stand her hair or her. Why do I even read about her? She is so mean and arrogant now, very bad witness.

Jana Guild said...

Cute pics! I am always the one who washes the car, Josh would never even think of it. I do let the boys help, but the control freak takes over most often. I need to step back on that, I guess.

I'd rather be eating a snack! I LOVE where you live! To see those wide open spaces, it just makes me want to take a really deep breath! It's the Oklahoma girl in me!


Michele said...

Can they come down South and wash "Noah's Ark" for me? I actually always take mine to car wash.. . . to be done . . . by someone else. I love the music you have posted with it! - FUN!

StacyB said...

I washed my car... once.
We are NOT car-people here. We are hose people, however. *snicker*

Life with Kaishon said...

Your little crew is so ridiculously adorable. I can't stand it. I just want to squish thru the screen and hug them!

Daphine said...

Cute pictures! Look at you....yep, you are standing wayyyyy back, eating your snack and observing. lol!

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