August 13, 2009

Up, Up and Away......our beautiful balloon

G was able to capture some fun pictures of an air balloon....making an "almost" landing in our front yard. It was very exciting for the boys.

The balloon came so close to touching ground.

But, back up it went.


Pam said...

Those are some great shots. G did a great job!

Amber said...

FUN!!! What a great thing for the boys to see!!

Now they'll be wanting to take a ride in one!!!! :)

Darcie said...

How wierd and how cool...we saw two hot air balloons yesterday as well! Didn't have the camera handy, then came the conversation of who in our family would want to go up in one. We were NOT all racing to get in line, but we all said we would at least do it once. Maybe...someday! Great pictures!

E @ Scottsville said...


I'd love to go to a balloon show and see tons of them all at once and get photos. They're beautiful creations, aren't they? Especially when they're all bright and colorful... and maybe minus the big word "REMAX" on them. ha ha ha

But I'd be thrilled if even a REMAX came to OUR HOUSE! We did hae a blimp fly over a few years back and that was amazing!

Pilar said...

aawww. i am sure your boys loved that, I know my girls would have gone crazy seeing one so close :)

Pilar said...

aawww. i am sure your boys loved that, I know my girls would have gone crazy seeing one so close :)

Tiffanie said...

That's so cool! I was JUST telling my husband the other day that it's such a shame that we don't see hot air balloons anymore. Growing up I used to see them all the time, but alas, Orlando is growing to be too big, too congested and not enough places appearantly to land a hot air balloon or something?! Perhaps air traffic control issues????

Very cool!

Bunny, THE PARIS HOUSE said...

That is so cool!! Oliver would have loved that.. (even my older sons, Sam and Teddy would have enjoyed it) It has been years since we have seen a hot air balloon fly over our home. Your boys must have been thrilled.
great pictures.
have a wonderful night
(btw. everything is fixed in the basement, the washer and a lot of books were thrown out but we saved the dryer, fridge and workout equipt., thanks for asking :) )

Jana Guild said...

Very cool, my boys would have loved that! It's the little things in life....... (ok, little BIG things sometimes)

Tara said...

Maybe REMAX is making a new commercial and your house will be in it along with G taking pictures and the boys pointing at it!

I've only seen a couple in my 30 years.

blueviolet said...

I wonder why it came down so low like that but then took off again!

Mamí♥Picture said...


Life with Kaishon said...

I love, love, love that your front yard is 100 acres wide : ) WOWZA! Ours is the side of a postage stamp. Maybe 2 : ). Speaking of front yards I have to do our little garden. I don't want to take care of that either. Maybe when you are cleaning my house you could pop that on your list too. K? : )

carol said...

I started singing..."Up, Up, and away, in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon." Fifth Dimension...Long before your time...I love hot air balloons, reminds me of the Wizard of Oz...

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