April 22, 2010

Shorty McShorty , some Puffy Eyes and More

The boys have started a once a week homechool soccer class. The coaches are wonderful, the park is beautiful and the boys love it. They seem to care less about making new friends and are all about the game. They get right out there and start doing the drills. It's extra nice that it meets during the week....during the day. We have to drive about 30 minutes to get there, but it seems worth it.

I've met a few other homeschool moms while there, but no real connections. One mom....a fellow adoptive mom who is in her 60's has been very outgoing and kind to me. The first time we went, I left feeling encouraged and hopeful. I met a couple of moms....one was very chatty...which made it really nice and easy. This second time we went...I left not feeling as encouraged. The chatty mom was not there....my older friend was, but the other moms kept to their cliques.  It made me miss my girlfriends. Later that day...I had an epiphany......I'm not there for me, I'm there for the boys. Not going to go into my full thought right now, but it's all good.  The bad part.....Ross has horrible allergies and the park was making him feel awful. The poor guy, his eyes swelled so fast and furious....red and itchy. He was having so much fun, he did not want to leave. It was a tough call....the class only lasted an hour. We stayed.

Not sure if I made the right call.....being a mom is full of moment by moment decisions. His eyes were so puffy. I gave him his allergy med...plus....I ran out to Whole Foods to see what they suggested. I purchased something called Camu?? I think. It's supposed to be super high in C and like a superfruit. They also suggested that we put Chamomile tea bags on his eyes....we did.
I think they helped. He went to bed shortly after. Oh my, what a long night it was. When his allergies are flaring up and I know he will have a long hard night....especially with breathing.....I have him sleep with me (G goes in with Sam). We were up all night long......he was sneezing, coughing, nebulizing, and more. By morning....he was much better.....and I was the one needing the tea bags.
                                           (Shorty McShorty AKA Frump... in need of makeup and sleep)

Puffy eyes. Oh yeah....I had another hair cut. I edited this to say......it wasn't the cut I was hoping for. It'll grow. Actually, it's really easy so that's a plus. I think I'll like it more in a month or two. G likes it . I called him as I was leaving the salon (he was in the town with the boys) and said "I'm feeling really fragile, don't look shocked when you see me." Thankfully, he said all the right things. I'm going to let it grow for a couple of months and then find someone else to traumatize me give me a new style. New city....new hair.

Oh....while I've got you.....I'm thinking of starting another blog and make it public. I feel bad that everyone has to check in instead of my posts showing up on google reader. I know it's a pain. In fact, my mom and G don't even read anymore because they would have to sign in and all. It's too complicated when they are at work. Anyway. What do you think? Would it make it easier? I would start a new blog and keep things anonymous (so I wouldn't worry about that other person finding it)  On that same note....I'm finding that I'm blogging less and less. How about you?


Darcie said...

Allergies are the pits...the total pits! I have to say that is probably why spring has never been my most favorite of seasons, because I always associate it with allergies. Poor guy...hope he is feeling better, and I hope you get a little bit more sleep too. ;-)

As for going public with your blog...I say go for it, especially if you enjoy meeting new bloggers and receiving feed back and such. If you just want it for your own personal journal then you might not feel the need. I really enjoy the interaction with fellow bloggers. Your call, but you know I will be following you no matter what!!!

carole said...

Oh my goodness - his eyes! Poor little man. :(

I like the blog either way. Whatever's best for you. :)

Delane said...

Poor little guy! I can't imagine having allergies like that....
I'm glad he was having so much fun that he wanted to stay!
I know how you feel with the moms...it's tough. Where we live the SAHM's are really mostly terrible to the moms that work. Makes it hard to develop friendships...since most families here are pretty affluent and most of the moms stay home. Sooo, I feel your pain.
As far as the blog, either way if fine. I think if you would really feel the need to censure yourself you should stay private. But, I understand how hard it must be when your family can't read anymore...Tough call.
Thanks for posting! I've missed you!

really.truly said...

Thanks for all your input. I think I'm going to keep it private for now. I look back and realized that I was on the computer more when my blog was public. I started to thrive on reading blogs and writing....loved all the comments. It's been good for me to back away a little(good for my boys). I'll reassess in the fall. Heck, I may change my mind next week ;)

Again, like the hair...in the big picture, I'm giving this way too much thought. :)

Tara said...

Oh poor guy!! At least he had fun while getting puffy eyes. Miraculously I haven't been sick this allergy season. I think the sinus surgery helped and shooting Nasacort up my nose daily has helped.

I like your hair but you are brave for continually trying new places. I'm still trying to decide what I want to do but it needs to happen fast. My hair is down to my shoulders now.

You blog being private doesn't bother me but you must think I'm a stalker. When I don't hear from you, I check 1-2 times a day to see if you've posted.

Life with Kaishon said...

I would follow you anywhere via your blog : ) I am just glad I found it again!

I am sorry you miss your mom and grandma. I love mom's and grandma's!

Hey, do you think you would like to come to the Philadelphia I Heart Faces photo walk? I am getting sort of scared that no one will like me since I am super fat and WAY more fun on my blog than I am in real life!

If you came G and the boys could play at the park across the street. It is only from 9-11. Plus there is this amazing toy store there that is going to let us shoot inside. I am sure the boys could look around for an hour or more and find things to do inside there...

Let me know!

PS I think I blog too much. My best friend moved away and now the only friends I have are my blog friends!

I always love your hair. I don't know what is wrong with it. Of course this comes from a girl who just brushes hers twice a day : )

Tiffanie said...

Hey sweet friend!! I LOVE your hair!!! One short haired friend to another! ;). I'll follow you too wherever you go! ;) and you know I blog waaaaaayyyyy less! I just can't seem to find the time. I want to though, for our memories sake!!!

Val said...

Allergies are awful! My Bubba has them and the soccer field has made them full blown. Do you guys use Allegra? It is a lifesaver for us this time of year.
I too have been blogging less. It is just such a good way to watch the kids grow. I have to make time for it.
I'll follow your blog public or private. I enjoy reading about your family and your hair adventures. LOL!

Jana Guild said...

Hello :)

I don't mind typing in my name and password, I have to do it on FB.... but either way, I don't think it's a big deal.

I like what you said about going to the group for the boys. That was a good reminder for me, as well. I have not tried any groups for a while, but with Elijah gettng ready to start official school (ok, kindergarten) I might need to provide more social outlets for his vibrant personality!

I love your hair - you're a doll and the teabags on the eyes were priceless!

Hugs :)

Pilar said...

I am having a hard time getting back to blogging, so I get that you are blogging less and less.
It is hard when we are adults to make new friends, I guess we are not so nice anymore ;).

Ruth said...

This hasn't been a trial to me really... I place the link in my Google Bookmarks and it shows up in the easy drop-down on my Google toolbar. Easy peasy! :)

P.S. I'm really sorry you didn't get the cut you were looking for.... but it really doesn't affect your cuteness, so it's all good. ;)

mama's smitten said...

Oh those darn allergies! yep not blogging as much either. But I look forwrd to checking in on you guys!

bunny, The Paris House said...

Hi Mimi, That sounds like a fun soccer class, sorry about Ross's allergies..that is hard! I'm glad you found a remedy at Whole foods. Your hair looks great, your beautiful!! Whatever you decide with your blog is fine with me, I will always follow you. I'm blogging less and less, only once or twice a week now. I'm too busy so that works for me. I don't want to get too overwhelmed and quit so I only post when I have time.
Hope to see you all this weekend, rain or shine...we have tents outside plus we can all go indoors too :)

Life with Kaishon said...

miss you!
did you ever decide about the photo walk?

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