I've noticed a consistent thought between my friends {especially my blogging friends}. We all worry that our words, actions, and writing will be taken in the wrong way. I've often edited my blog posts because I was worried that it would sound like bragging.....or sound too sad.....too grumpy....too whatever.
All the new tools for keeping in touch have actually {for me} made things a bit more complicated. You never really know the intended tone....I don't know about you, but I have misundertood text message tone {and also had mine misunderstood}. Have you ever sent an email and not gotten a reply? Have you ever then imagined that the person was upset with you, but couldn't figure out why? See, social networking can be complicated.....and {though extreme} actually could hurt relationships. I've seen it all.
Don't even get me started on Facebook. I think it can be wonderful {connecting long lost family, etc}, but can be
the opposite of wonderful, too. BTW-if we were FB friends, I didn't defriend you....I deactivated my account. That's another thing....when I deactivated, I worried that people would think I defriended {is that a real word?}them and then be upset with me. It's a crazy social misunderstood cycle.
Please understand that....
When I share that I am homesick .....I am still good, and laughing. And making the best of where we are at.
When I share a fun adventure.......it may be fun, but it probably had it's glitches as well. Like when we went to the beach last weekend....I didn't bring a change of clothes for the boys, so my Mother in Law and I spent an hour searching small stores for clothes and a towel. {we did find Chik-Fil-A sandwiches}.
When I may complain about our living situation......I have hope & excitement for the future, and what may be. I also am thankful that we have a place to call {temporary}home....a warm bed and full fridge.
And strange as it is, when I say that I miss having roots{a true home}.....we don't really even know what that {home} means to us. We have friends who are traveling and living in an RV....they take their roots with them. It's still home{just on wheels}.
Thanks for staying in touch, for forgiving me when I'm in a fog, for riding the hormone roller coaster {that many of us are on}, and encouraging me when I need it {and we all need it sometime}.