September 15, 2009

Random Rambunctious Ramblings

I added the rambunctious in because I was having an alliteration moment. Doesn't happen often so I thought I'd go with it(alliteration, that is).

*I've noticed that my grammar/punctuation has gotten worse since I started blogging. Actually, maybe it's always been this bad and now I just notice it.

*I'm addicted to......... Y'know that thing I do a lot........It's like a giant pause. It just flows naturally out of my head as I write. I have no control over all those little dots. Maybe I need to go to dot detox.

*How you ask a child something makes all the difference. Actually, really listening to a child makes ALL the difference. Recently,one of the boys co-op teachers was questioning if the boys could cut with scissors. She said that they told her they could not. After probing the boys with tons of questions....I found out that they did not know how to cut out the particular picture that the mom had requested. She heard "we can't cut". They were trying to say "we can't cut that particular telephone picture out". I wonder how many things get lost in translation in a child's world. I've realized that a child's simple answer can have far more depth than we realize. Sometimes it's just a simple answer and sometimes they are saying much more. (of course, I've had them do a bunch of cutting activities just to be sure they CAN cut-and they can) ;)

*I've had a massive craving for lemon iced tea. I like it sweet and lemony. I'm talking a serious drinking the whole bottle in a minute craving.

On that note.....


Stacey said...

Your not the only one that does it....... but it just seems easier.

I am horrible with punctuation when I type. When I write....I'm fine. I doesn't make sense.

Darcie said...

I am totally going to dot detox with you...I do it all the time...I too can't seem to help myself. Glad to know I am not alone.

4 Blessings said...

It just makes sense, you know what I mean when I use is like I am talking. I also know exactly what you mean when you use them...

really.truly said...

Yes....that's what I'm talking about. I write.....just like I speak.....:)

Pam said...

I think I do dots often too! Maybe it's a blog thing. We could be the "dotty ladies."
Love the September haircut adventure.

Tiffani said...

You are!!!

I guess we need to a Dotter's Anonymous b/c I am SO guilty of major overuse too.......... ;)

So very wise what you said about listening and perception when talking to our kids...(see more dots)

And girl, you MUST come to the south where the BEST sweet lemony ice tea in the WORLD exists!!

momstheword said...

I find myself ignoring some of the rules (like not beginning a sentence with an "And) and ending with a preposition. Just don't care to take the time to do it right, lol!

Hey, didn't you say you were diagnosed with acid reflux or was that someone else? Did you give up pop?

My doctor said to give up caffeine and chocolate, tomatoes, etc.

I have given up the pop and the chocolate but still cook with tomatoes occasionally.

Alicia said...

Well, I'm glad to know they do know how to!!!

Oh, and lemon ice tea sounds so refreshing right now!!

Pilar said...

You are so right about kids and how much get lost on translation, or how much we lose by thinking whatever they are saying is not important. You can learn so much by just listening to your child ramble away.

See my english is already bad, so I am glad you let yours go a little bit while you are blogging, that way I can feel a little better :) See I didn´t notice it wasn´t good all the way :)

E @ Scottsville said...

No Mimi... I don't know what TV show your talking about? Which show do my football pics remind you of? Now you've got me all curious!

I too am a fan of the dots... can you tell? I use them a lot. But I'm anal and try to just do three. Sometimes I type four or five and then go back and delete to just three. WHY do I do that?

E @ Scottsville said...

CCD Comment Here:


Never seen it, but heard of it plenty!

Carla said...

Sometimes a person could be saying something to someone that sounds very obvious and that person who's being spoken to has heard it exactly how it was meant to be heard. Other times the person (like my one daughter)who is hearing what is being spoken is hearing it in a totally different way that they think is perfectly the right way to have heard it. It's called auditory processing and many, many people have trouble with it which stinks because those are the people who are looked down upon as not being "smart" enough, when in fact, that person is probably smarter than the person who was speaking in the first place! This probably doesn't make much sense to some people but I guess it's all in the way you're hearing it. Don't worry, those boys are perfectly normal. Are they round pegs who fit in a round hole? No, they are square pegs that don't fit in a round hole and it's people like them who make this world a much better place.

really.truly said...

Carla-That was very sweet and encouraging! Thank you ;)

Theta Mom said...

I am a dot...person..., too! :) That lemon drink sounds awesome. Now I want one!

BrnEyedGal said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new cute!!!

And yes...I agree with you totally...I AM addicted to the little dots as well. (Sometimes I get frustrated with how much I use em! LOL)
Two...I think that very thing is happening with my son worries me as this happens at school quite a bit.
And three...I have a craving for some sweet tea now too...yummy!

Hope you have a FABulous day... :)

Kellie said...

I love me some alliteration....much like your little dots...which....i guess I do a lot too...only I never realized it.

Love the new design.

Erin said...

I pause...a lot...I think I do it in my speech, too and I know I don't say, "uh" because I can't stand it, so I pause...when I'm thinking of what I'd like to say next. See? You're not the only one!

whimzie said...

I could write a whole post of nothing but dots....

Kind of like "read between the lines," people could interpret the dots however they saw fit.

Wendy said...

Dot'm addicted....too!

And, I like the comments about a kids translation. We had a new perspective on this when we went to the NYS fair. Logan took a camera and was taking piscutres of many of the same things that Karl did. When he came home and put all of them on the computer he could really see Logan's 'translation'. So many things do get lost. It's necessary to just slow down and really listen so we can truly understand. I'm often guilty of not taking the time.

Wendy said...

By the way, lemony AND sweet? That just doesn't seem to go together! Don't you know that sweet is in the south and lemon-y is in the north?! Where've you been? LOL ;)

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