May 25, 2011

Some Thoughts

I've noticed a consistent thought between my friends {especially my blogging friends}. We all worry that our words, actions, and writing will be taken in the wrong way. I've often edited my blog posts because I was worried that it would sound like bragging.....or sound too sad.....too grumpy....too whatever.
All the new tools for keeping in touch have actually {for me} made things a bit more complicated. You never really know the intended tone....I don't know about you, but I have misundertood text message tone {and also had mine misunderstood}. Have you ever sent an email and not gotten a reply? Have you ever then imagined that the person was upset with you, but couldn't figure out why? See, social networking can be complicated.....and {though extreme} actually could hurt relationships. I've seen it all.
Don't even get me started on Facebook. I think it can be wonderful {connecting long lost family, etc}, but can be
the opposite of wonderful, too. BTW-if we were FB friends, I didn't defriend you....I deactivated my account. That's another thing....when I deactivated, I worried that people would think I defriended {is that a real word?}them and then be upset with me. It's a crazy social misunderstood cycle.

Please understand that....

When I share that I am homesick .....I am still good, and laughing. And making the best of where we are at.

When I share a fun may be fun, but it probably had it's glitches as well. Like when we went to the beach last weekend....I didn't bring a change of clothes for the boys, so my Mother in Law and I spent an hour searching small stores for clothes and a towel. {we did find Chik-Fil-A sandwiches}.

When I may complain about our living situation......I have hope & excitement for the future, and what may be. I also am thankful that we have a place to call {temporary}home....a warm bed and full fridge.

And strange as it is, when I say that I miss having roots{a true home}.....we don't really even know what that {home} means to us. We have friends who are traveling and living in an RV....they take their roots with them. It's still home{just on wheels}.

Thanks for staying in touch, for forgiving me when I'm in a fog, for riding the hormone roller coaster {that many of us are on}, and encouraging me when I need it {and we all need it sometime}.


Tiffanie Hage said...

Mimi...I think you are fine just the way you are! You don't need to be so hard on yourself, nor think twice about what you say. You always have kindness to say about others, and if you are talking about yourself, well...who cares what others "think"! That would be THEIR problem, definitely not yours!!! Be true to yourself and to God, if that happens, then everything falls into place as they should. Love you!

Tara said...

I don't know if I shared my most recent story with you in the email but if you'd like to hear about it, I'll share!

I will say that it even happens in face-to-face conversations. I feel like our society has become so politically correct, afraid to offend somebody that we must qualify everything we say. It's pretty sad but I have seen it in many aspects of life...not just social networking and through written word.

really.truly said...


Tiff-Oh no, I think it happened again!LOL. I'm not being hard on myself(and I like "me")but the reality is that people DO take things the wrong way (like now-LOL). I have recently chatted with different friends about this fact. We all think about whether our words will be mistaken(or hurt someone). I was just thinking out loud in this post. ;)

Darcie said...

Totally, totally, totally...get where you are coming from! I get you, and get me. ;-)

carole said...

Great post!

Pilar said...

I understand you so much. I think one of the reasons I stop bloggin is actually what you were talking about. I started as a place to share everything in me. But didn´t realize that people around me were reading it. Family, church friends. So then I realize I was letting too many people in, and too many people where able to see my heart. IT is ok to speak up in the web, but you don´t want people approaching you in church wanting to know what you meant, or if you are depressed (when you just had a bad day).... people not understanding you.... so now I am scare to write what is in my heart because I am afraid of people misunderstanding me. Wow, I just wrote a post in your comment wall... sorry :)

really.truly said...

Pilar-I miss reading your blog, but I totally understand. I'm glad you shared your thoughts! I've had the same thing, people telling me that I sound depressed (when I wasn't). Thank you for your comment...I could completely relate to it!

RV Puzzled said...

You are beautiful! One of the things I love most about you is your concern and empathy for others. Just the fact that you think to edit your own words to spare feelings...well, you are better than I. :-)

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