December 8, 2010

Hormonally Challenged

(Greg and boys, camped out watching Charlie Brown Christmas)

I figured out why I have felt exceptionally slumpy the past few days. Not only did I feel slumpy, but by the time Greg got home from work last night.....I was all weepy and had no clue why. Everything felt overwhelming. I was a literal pile of mush and felt like I was sinking further and further down.

It was strongly suggested that I get myself to bed......I didn't resist since I was overwhelmingly exhausted anyway. In the middle of the night I woke up in terrible pain. My right side was on fire. The pain was so bad that it incorporated itself into my dream(ever have that happen?). I woke Greg and asked where my appendix was.
A few years back....before they discovered my Endometriosis.....I had a similar pain. Different, but similar. Back then, after a series of was determined that my appendix was inflamed. One test revealed the black mess that is my abdomen. The person who read my films said that he couldn't even see my organs....everything was black. I will never forget the call from the dr and what he thought I had(can't even write about it, it was so upsetting). After laparoscopic surgery(that did not remove my appendix) they discovered my endo(I was so relieved that it was just endo!!) and  found that(at the time) it was suffocating my appendix(and smothering other organs-lovely).
My endo has covered my organs so much that removing it is risky-too big of a chance that an organ may be cut in the process.  Since then, I randomly get terrible side pain.....I'm always worried that my appendix may rupture. So, last night......while in and out of sleep......I was trying to decide what to I go to the hospital? Why is the pain so high (on my rib cage)? My house was a I was thinking.....who would take care of the boys and see my messy house? I didn't have a fever....that was a good sign.

I finally fell back to sleep......

When I woke up....bright and early.......the pain was gone. Hallelujah!! Not only was the pain gone, but my slump was lifted. Seriously. I felt like a different energy was back......I felt more balanced emotionally. Coffee even tasted good again.

So, guess what I have determined? I was ovulating! Yep.....way too much information. But let me tell you......learn from me. Hormones can wreak havoc on your body and mind. For some reason.....ovulation is my worst week. It's almost as soon as it's over......the clouds part and the sun shines again.

Hormones are challenging. Hormone fluctuations are very real......especially once you hit 40. Now that I'm noticing a pattern.....I will take steps to exercise, take my B-vitamins, and basically brace myself for that one bad week. I should actually just go into seclusion during that week.....because it's bad. is good.


Tiffanie Hage said...

Oh goodness!!! So sorry Mimi that you had to go thru that (and continue to have to face that every month!). I"m noticing the older I get the crazier my emotion pendulum swings as well. I"m always so surprised by my feelings and then WHAMMO, I'll get my period and it will all make perfect sense!!! UGH. The joys of being female.

I'm sure our male counterparts scratch their heads over the mystery that we are! LOL

Darcie said...

Hormones are so frustrating!! They do mess with us, in so many ways that you don't know when to blame it on hormones or not. UGH. SO glad you woke up pain free(scary night), and so glad the slump was lifted too.

Tara said...

I used to think women who blamed everything on PMS were just needing a scapegoat. However, since my late 20s, I have noticed a change in my mood around my cycle. It isn't an excuse for being grouchy and mean but hormones can affect us in some crazy ways.

Glad you are better and didn't end up at the hospital with something more serious.

Unknown said...

Ha! Hormones....

Does your husband tend to blame everything on that? Mine used to (but he learned quickly that was a mistake!) say "Oh, it must be 'that time'" and I would say "Can't you actually have done something that just made me mad?!" LOL

Those hormones can wreak havoc, though. Glad you're feeling better now....maybe something from a health food store could help? Some sort of vitamin or something? I'll ask a friend of mine who owns a store and let you know...

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! That's miserable to feel that way - the pain and the slump....

I do warnings when I feel my hormones going haywire and Josh is extra willing to get out of the house and rescue the family from me.

We've decided for MEN-o-pause (yes, a pause from all men) - that we'll rent me my own house, paint the walls black, and the boys will throw me some raw meat through the mail slot once a day! It's a big joke around here.

I think it's a perfect time for a sabbatical at the beach. Alone with a good supply of wine.

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