April 7, 2011

Say Hello To My Little Friend

We left the house hoping to find a Keurig. As you may remember, I have been having trouble making a decent cup of coffee. And actually.....that's about all I would have....a cup {maybe 3}. The Keurig made sense....one lovely cup at time. At the same time we were researching which Keurig to purchase we were also researching Endometriosis. We knew endo feeds on estrogen, but we didn't realize that some believe the plastic in a coffee machine can contribute to too much estrogen {I won't even try to explain that chemical process}. I simplified it.....plastic=estrogen....and that was enough to convince me to look at my options.

The good 'ol fashioned percolator was my answer. So, we came home with this little stainless steel beauty. It makes a hot, delicious cup of coffee and I don't have to worry about the possibility of estrogen overload {I'm sure I get that from enough other places}. Who knows if the whole plastic=estrogen info is true. What I do know to be true is that I saved a lot of money {the perc. cost $21} and I can now make a good cup of coffee. Works for me.


Unknown said...

And it is pretty.

Unknown said...

Cool. maybe we'll look into that when we need a new one.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Little Friend. Percolated coffee tastes better - don't know why, but it does!

Stacy said...

I am not a coffee drinker - but love the smell of it.
I love this "old fashioned" idea. Why improve on perfection??? ;)

Tiffanie Hage said...

LOL! The search is over!! So happy for you. Congratulations :)

R.M. Jackson said...

It's funny you should mention endo in relation to the coffee machine, because when I was doing my own research... one statement in particular kept popping up:

"caffeine increases abdominal cramps and increases estrogen levels."

Maybe it's not the plastic in the coffee machine... but the coffee in the machine?? :-/

Tara said...

I don't think I've seen one of those since the late 90s at my Grandpa's house. Dwight loves his Keurig and I do for the simple fact our house smells good. I don't drink coffee though...only interested in the smell.

Darcie said...

Reminds me of my Grandma!!! I don't remember the last time I had percolated coffee. Someday...you and me...and percolated coffee. ;-)

Amy said...

I had no idea. Thanks for sharing! Hope you all are doing well.

Polly said...

Rock on with the coffee, it is the balm that soothes my soul

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