December 11, 2011

Just a Quickie

I've been loving this song lately. Just ask Greg, he'll verify that I keep playing it over and over. Nice little pause in the middle of the big "get ready for Christmas" hustle and bustle.

I've done my share of bustling {is that a word?} this month. Thankfully, Friday night I had a great shopping buddy{thanks, Rebecca}. As we both had been a long time since either of us had gone shopping with a girlfriend. It was wonderful. Especially since we both like a good bargain and we both like a good plate of nachos.....mostly because it felt like  shopping with an old friend.


Sweat Is My Sanity said...

Yeah, it would be nice to go with a friend for once! I've had my share of bustling too...I'm over it. :) Love that song too, keep on playing it 'till it's out of your system...that's my motto. :) Jess

Darcie said...

How funny...I will do the same thing when I like a song. Play it over and over! Glad you got a little shopping in, mostly glad that you got to do it with a girlfriend!

Rebecca said...

That was a fun evening and those were some yummy nachos!! Gotta do it again. ;)

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