January 6, 2011

Broken Record

Yep, I am realizing that I'm a broken record. I feel like I'm taking 2 steps forward and one step back......I'm adjusting to our move....and then I fall back again. I think out loud a lot. This blog has been a sort of therapy for me.
I have no idea why I keep writing about my adjustment process and then hit post. I could write and not hit post. It's a way of keeping me accountable to myself. It's my online diary. I'm writing about simplifying.....therefore I must simplify. I guess...or something like that.

There are a bunch of other things going on. Homeschooling, observations, life stuff.  I feel like I'm a broken record....and the record is skipping. It keeps playing the same part over and over. Well, I'm trashing the record....I'm going to diversify.

Since my last post....I have managed to break down a book case and re-organize some things. We ran out to Trader Joe's before the big 4" of snow is to arrive. I am now equipped with salt, sugar, and caffeine. I'm good to go. I bought some healthy things too.....promise. I wanted to post pictures, but blogger has informed me that I have met my quota?? What is that all about?


Sherry Gann said...

Aaahh...now you must PAY! Mwahahahaha!

Seriously, it isn't much, something like $5/yr for more space than you could possibly ever use. I had to upgrade a few months ago too.

really.truly said...

Ha! Thanks for my first laugh of the day :)

Guess I'll bed upgrading my storage...

Unknown said...

Our snow started coming too. Darn it. I didn't go to the store before it started. Should I go out now? We are in audit mode at our job and really, I should be there. I am not going in though.

Magdalena said...

You are living one day at time staying positive and focused. It's very inspirational...I'm simplifying the best I can....even removing rugs...just simpler space less distractions! I loved your comment ....I too am Italian and it's hard to control my temper..but I only feel good for about 30 seconds and then I feel sad that I hurt someone....although that wretched lady deserved a tongue lashing! He was being so good not making a peep!! Oh well some people are so unhappy. They need to pray and feel grateful!
Hope your move goes well...please keep me posted
Wishing you a very happy 2011

Darcie said...

I think we may feel a bit like a broken record when we are trying to sort things(life) out. And about those steps...if you are taking TWO steps forward, and only ONE back, you are still ONE step ahead then when you started. Keep on keeping on!

Darcie said...

PS...love the new look, and the colors...very pretty!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I know this old news but it's ok to do the one step forward and two back. It's kind of like a dance.... and it's your blog, you can do whatever you want. I think all normal women relate with the 'dance'.


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